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        Archive of Citizens Lives

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        #시민을 기록하다 #문화도시

        Self-Budgeting System

        “Citizens get directly involved in making policy recommendations on challenges and social issues facing the local community and dealing with them through cultural projects.”

        Basic framework : “Citizens’participation”and “citizens’suggestion”under the common theme

        [Common Theme]
        Cope with social issues of the times facing our city Cheongju through activities associated with
        the archival culture in everyday life
        ① Citizens’ participation ② Citizens’ suggestion
        Citizens are directly involved in planning and participating in projects and activities to deal with the city’s social issues. Local cultural organizations implement agenda and policies suggested by citizens.
        Participants: 35 teams of ordinary citizens
        Subsidy: 1~2 million won
        Participants: 12 teams
        Subsidy: 10~20 million won
        Make Cheongju a city of archival culture, with active participation of citizens